The Department of Economics at Missouri University of Science and Technology invites applications for one tenure-track appointment at the senior Assistant or Associate Professor level beginning in or prior to Fall 2025 in Energy Economics. The department is preparing to launch a new industry-focused MS program with an Energy Economics & Global Sustainability focus area. Preference will be given to individuals with demonstrated experience, capacity, or interest in industry engagement. Candidates with multiple years of experience as a faculty member at a university are preferred. We specifically seek expertise in Energy Economics with additional areas in environmental economics, microeconomics, financial economics/technology, or quantitative-driven public policy, with extensive knowledge of econometric methods and their newest applications. Applicants must demonstrate skills necessary for quality undergraduate teaching in economics and the ability to teach graduate-level energy economics, microeconomics, or macroeconomics. The primary teaching responsibility of the position is energy economics courses at the undergraduate and master's levels.
Candidates must also demonstrate a record of a productive agenda for scholarly research, specifically in peer-reviewed economics journals. The teaching load is 2-2, with a one-course reduction per year for the first two years. A PhD in economics is required.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Ph.D. in Economics.
- Expertise in Energy Economics, with additional knowledge in the abovementioned areas.
- Proven record of productive research, particularly in peer-reviewed economics journals.
Preferred Qualifications:
- Demonstrated experience, capacity, or interest in industry engagement.
- Several years of experience as a faculty member at a university.
The application deadline is November 18, 2024, but review of applications will begin as they are received. For general inquiries before applying, please contact the search committee chair, Dr. Fikru (
Application Instructions:
To complete an application, please send in an interest letter, vita, two (2) published research papers, and a list of three (3) references via the link: Missouri S&T Job Postings.