Message from the Chair

Dr. Melody Lo - Missouri S&T Economics Department Chair

In July 2022, the Economics Department joined Kummer College, initiating a crucial revision of its mission. The revised mission is to educate students through distinct market-relevant academic programs agile to industry changes. We amplify education impact by having a supportive curriculum for a STEM-focused Technology University and foster engagement through meaningful interdisciplinary collaborations on degree programs and innovative research projects based on industry needs.

Central to our mission are cross-disciplinary degree programs and research projects aligned with industry needs. Since I joined the University in July 2022, we’ve been unwavering in our commitment to creating innovative programs to meet the diverse needs of students and industry.

During our first year in college, we completed a comprehensive revamping of our undergraduate curriculum into a STEM-designated economics program with three industry-focused areas (Decision Data Analytics, Energy Economics, and Financial Economics & Technology) that reflect our students’ career interests.

Today, we are actively engaging in a collaborative effort with our industry partners. Together, we are developing a dynamic graduate program with a curriculum that equips students to drive informed and strategic decisions, fostering community and economic growth not only in Missouri and the Midwest but across the United States and beyond. Stay tuned for updates as we forge ahead in building our graduate program, enhancing the economic and societal impact of sustainable value-creation technologies and innovations.


Dr. Melody Lo
Steinmeyer Memorial Endowed Chair and Professor of Economics